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2020-10-21 来源:国际教育学院 作者:iczu.admin 访问次数 : 5281



        The Opening Ceremony of World Young Scientist Summit held in Wenzhou on October 18th. There are 800 scientists, entrepreneurs, artists and young scientists from 125 countries, regions and international organizations took part in the Summit. At the opening ceremony, four representatives of international students from Poland, Iran and Georgia read the Wenzhou Declaration of World Young Scientists Summit as global youth representatives, expressing the aspiration of young scientists to undertake the mission of changing the world through science.


Academician Wu Zhaohui, President of ZJU, attended WYSS as a special guest. After the opening ceremony, he took a photo with teachers and international students attending the meeting. 


The World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS) as an academic event held once a year for the world young high talents is jointly sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and the People's Government of Zhejiang Province. With its long-term vision for building a community of common destiny for all humanities, WYSS sets on the Converging the World's Talents Creating a Better Future theme; oriented for one global vision with international interests and a China voice, WYSS attracts talents from all corners of the world for their dreams in sciences. In acknowledging ‘the future of science and technology is dependent of our young’ being the global and century concerns, WYSS highlights its main discussion premise around world’s young scientists with integrated interest from industries, venture capitals, arts and other societal endeavors. It has led to another improvement in academic and cultural exchanges, enabled leadership from world’s top scientist, offered enhanced participations from young scientists and involved private entrepreneurs, to jointly address global challenges, establish a platform for talent exchange in a wider range of fields and provide a carrier of higher-level scientific and technological innovation.