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2020-03-10 来源:国际教育学院 作者:admin 访问次数 : 17154



Dear International students,

中国境内新冠肺炎疫情防控远远没有结束,仍处在关键阶段,同时,疫情在全球很多国家爆发。为此,根据中国教育部、地方政府和学校的规定,我们将有关事项再次明确通知如下:Control and prevention of COVID-19 in China is still at a critical stage and is far from over. In the meantime, outbreak of COVID-19 has been reported in many other countries. Thus according to regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, local governments and Zhejiang University, we hereby give notices as follows.

1.  已经离开学校、离开中国的同学,在没有接到学校通知前,一律不提前返校、不提前来华。因违反规定、未经学校同意擅自返校或者返回中国,将承担包括隔离居住所需的费用、受到学校的纪律处分等一切后果。Anyone who is currently out of the University or out of China shall not return to the University or to China until further notice. Anyone who violates the regulations and returns to the University or to China without permission shall bear responsibility for all consequences including accommodation expense when in quarantine, disciplinary actions taken by the University, etc.

2.  请目前在中国境内的同学,通过学校健康打卡系统进行每日健康打卡链接,同时,尽快申请杭州健康码链接All students who are currently in China shall report health condition on Zhejiang University health report platform every daylink, and shall apply for Hangzhou health code as soon as possible(link).

3.  请所有同学采取一切必要的措施加强个人防护,尽量避免流动。Please take every necessary measures to protect yourself and avoid all nonessential travel.

4.  目前在中国境外的同学,尽量避免国际流动。如计划离开目前居住地前往其他国家,请提前1周告知学校老师。All students who are currently outside China should try to avoid international travel.If you plan to leave your current place of residence for other countries, please inform the University 1 week in advance.

5.  请同学们阅读上述通知后务必扫描下方二维码或者点击链接完成问卷。Please make sure to scan the following QR Code or click the link address to finish the questionnaire after you read the above notice.


各位同学,今天的严格管控是为了明天的世界更美好。在此,我们对每一位同学的理解、支持和配合,表示衷心的感谢。Dear students, strict management has to be adopted for a better future.We hereby would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to every one of you for your understanding, support and cooperation.



International College

March 9, 2020