Date:2011-02-23 Visitcount:3571

1. Be sure to observe the university regulations and keep the class discipline. If you have to be absent for some reasons, please ask for leave to the International Student Office or your supervisor or your class monitor in advance.

2. If you want to get a remittance from abroad or make currency exchange with traveler’s check or credit card (Master card, visa card, etc.), please go to the Provincial Headquarter of Bank of China (321 Fengqi Road) or go to the Zheda (Zhejiang University) Branch of Bank of China on Qiushi Road. Please go to the International Post Office (No.1, Jie Fang Road) to receive parcels mailed from abroad. A deposit of cash can be made at the Zheda Branch of Bank of China.

3. If you want to get access to INTERNET or send/receive e-mail message, you could go to a net-bar near campus��please contact the Front Desk of the Dormitory to open account for network using with your personal computer.

4. The mailing address for International College Building is:  Room No. International College Bldg., PO Box W-99,
Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 310027. For mailing address of other dorms, please contact the Front Desk of the Dorm.

5. Please pay attention to the expiration date of your visa or residence permit, if overdue, heavy penalty will be suffered. For visa and residence permit extension, please come to the International Student Office for certification note first, then go to the Visa Department of the City Police/Immigration Bureau (Huaguang Road) with the certification note and your passport. The next semester’s study tuition has to be paid in advance by self-financing students before visa/residence permit extension at the end of the semester.

6. Other Points for Attention: 
   Fire Prevention: Do not use super-power electrical heater/stove; do not store or carry dangerous goods; do not smoke on bed. 
   Theft Prevention: Be sure to lock the door and window before leaving the dorm room; take care of personal certificate, wallet and precious goods when shopping and taking bus/train; do not go to remote or desolate place alone.
   Traffic Safety: Be sure to observe the traffic regulations; do not use illegal motorcycle��do not ride or drive after drinking.
   Food Cleanliness: Do not buy food at the vendor’s stand having no food hygiene license, be sure to make food clean or fully cooked. 
   No Excessive Drinking: Do not drink heavily in the dorm; do not go out for drinking at night. 
   Hold Peace: Do not make loud noise and keep silence in the dorm; be sure to restrain yourself when disputing with others and ask the relevant managerial person to mediate, do not act on your own. 
  Call in Emergency:      Police: 110       Traffic Accident: 112             Fire/Ambulance: 119        Medical Emergency: 120

7.  Concise University Calendar for Spring/Summer Semester 2010-2011
     Feb. 21st                   Class begins for degree program students.
     Feb. 28th                   Class begins for non-degree Chinese language students
     Apr. 3rd-5th               Qing Ming (Memorial) Festival Holiday
     Apr. 19th-22nd            Final Exam Period of Spring Quarter
     Apr. 30th-May 2nd      May Day Holiday
     June 4-6th                  Duan Wu (Dragon Boat) Festival Holiday
     Jun. 22nd - Jul. 1st       Final Examination Period of Summer Quarter
     Jul. 2nd – Late Aug.     Summer Vacation

8.  Office Time:   (Mon.-Fri., Except Public Holidays)  8:30-12:00 am  1:00-5:00 pm 
     Office Phone No.: 87951717 87951386 (General Affairs); 87951718 87953089 (Chinese language/culture program) ; 88206532 (Undergraduate program); 87953101 (Postgraduate program).