Announcement of Awardees List of Chinese Government Scholarship 2013/2014, Zhejiang University
Date:2013-07-01 Visitcount:2861

No. CSC No. Name Major Program Category
1 2013DFHD44 ARTMEIER, ANDREAS Computer Science and Technology Doctoral 
2 2013DFHD45 BARSALOTE, EDA MARIE Plant Pathology Doctoral 
3 2013DFHD46 RAKHYMBAYEVA, ZHANNA Theory of Literature and Art Doctoral 
4 2013DFHD47 LEE, YEONJIN Social Security  Doctoral 
5 2013DFHD48 WAGECHE, MARK IRUNGU WAGECHE Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Doctoral 
6 2013DFHD49 TOUNALOM, VILAYLACK Land Resource Management Doctoral 
7 2013DFHD50 GANBAATAR, OYUNTSATSRAL Comparative Education
8 2013DFHD51 SHAMMEE, SAMIRA NAUSHEEN Comparative Literature and World Literature
9 2013DFHD52 RAHAMAN, MD. MATIUR Bioinformatics Doctoral 
10 2013DFHD53 PRASOON, PANKAJ Surgery  Doctoral 
11 2013DFHD54 VI, THI THUY Chinese Philology Doctoral 
12 2013DFHD55 NAMANI, AKHILESHWAR Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Doctoral 
13 2013DFHD56 TSEHAY, DESSALEGNE ADAMU Condensed Matter Physics Doctoral 
14 2013DFHD57 SALLAM, MARWAN HASAN NAJI Education Technology Doctoral 
15 2013DFHD59 HASSAN ALI, HASSAN Optical Engineering Doctoral 
16 2013DFHD60 ABDUL HALEEM, YASIR Polymer Materials Doctoral 
17 2013DFHD61 BAKHTAR ULLAH, BAKHTAR ULLAH Chemical Engineering and Technology Doctoral 
18 2013DFHD64 MEREKINA, TATIANA Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature Master's
19 2013DFHD65 MWAMBA MULEMBO, THEODORE Crop Science Master's
20 2013DFHD66 MITROFANOVA, MARIA Science of Religion Master's
21 2013DFHD67 KARNSOPA, TEERAWAT Chinese Philology Master's
22 2013DFHD68 RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ, PABLO Materials Science and Engineering Master's
23 2013DFHD69 SAQIB, MUHAMMAD Chemical Engineering and Technology Doctoral 
24 2013DFHD95 SHOPAN, JANNAT Olericulture Doctoral 
25 2013DFHD98 UMSA JAMEEL, UMSA JAMEEL Chemical Engineering and Technology Doctoral 
26 2013GXZN84 RANGKARN, NONGYAO Corporate Management  Doctoral 
27 2013GXZN85 FOUAD, HATEM Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control Doctoral 
28 2013GXZN86 ALI, IMRAN Crop Genetics and Breeding Doctoral 
29 2013GXZN87 GILLANI, SYED AMEER AHMED Information and Communication Engineering Doctoral 
30 2013GXZN88 AHMED, SHABBIR Pharmaceutical Analysis Doctoral 
31 2013GXZN89 MUHAMMAD, RIZWAN Preventive Veterinary Medicine Doctoral 
32 2013GXZN90 LATIF, ABDUL Agricultural Economics & Management Doctoral 
33 2013GXZN91 SAFDAR, MUHAMMAD Optical Engineering Doctoral 
34 2013GXZN92 SHAMSI, SYED SAJJAD HUSSAIN Finance Doctoral 
35 2013GXZN93 UMAIR SULTAN, UMAIR SULTAN Thermal Power Engineering Doctoral 
36 2013GXZN95 JATT, SHABANA WAZIR Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control Doctoral 
37 2013GXZN97 MADNI, HAMZA AHMAD Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology Doctoral 
38 2013GXZN98 MAHMOOD, QAISAR Pharmacology Doctoral 
39 2013GXZN99 N/A, KAMRAN ULLAH Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctoral 
40 2013GXZO00 KUMAR, DILEEP Control Science and Engineering Doctoral 
41 2013GXZO01 JU, SUNGKWAN Comparative Education Doctoral 
42 2013GXZO02 LIKHIDCHAROENTHAM, SIRIWAN Chinese Philosophy Doctoral 
43 2013GXZO04 ADUSEI-FOSU, KWASI Crop Genetics and Breeding Doctoral 
44 2013GXZO05 LOW, TEK SING Applied Psychology Doctoral 
45 2013GXZO07 NIMITSOPON, WAKUL Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Doctoral 
46 2013GXZO08 MEMON, IMRAN Computer Science and Technology Doctoral 
47 2013GXZO09 SARKER, MD  ABDUL  LATIF Ecology Doctoral 
48 2013GXZO10 FUMAGALLI, ROBERTA LL.M. in Chinese Law Master's
49 2013GXZO11 BAUMERT, KRISTINA LL.M. in Chinese Law Master's
50 2013GXZO13 ALIYU, MOHAMMAD ABDULLAHI Administration Management Master's
51 2013GXZO15 SASIPANANON, BOONYISA International Business Master's
52 2013GXZO16 ONG, PANG HWEE Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Master's
53 2013GXZO17 TEY, JOY FUN Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Master's
54 2013GXZO18 CHOMCHOPBUN, PHORNTHIPPHARAT Chinese History Master's
55 2013GXZO19 YONGYUTHMEECHAI, NAIYAPAPORN Communication Master's
56 2013GXZO21 FRANDI, HELENA International Business Master's
57 2013GXZO22 GELETA, GANNA China Studies Master's
58 2013GXZO23 WASIK, ANNA JANINA International Relations Master's
59 2013GXZO24 MONIR, MD. MAMUN Crop Genetics and Breeding Doctoral 
60 2013GXZO25 ZULFIQAR, ZULFIQAR Materials Physics and Chemistry  Doctoral 
61 2013GXZO26 SHAIKH, SHAHID ALI Geodetection and Information Technology Doctoral 
62 2013GXZO27 ZAIDI, SYED HASSAN RAZA Crop Cultivation and Farming System Doctoral 
63 2013GXZO28 ALI, MUHAMMAD Materialogy Doctoral 
64 2013GXZO29 KHAN, MUHAMMAD KHALIL Journalism and Communication Doctoral 
65 2013GXZO30 KHAN, SHAFIULLAH Electrical Engineering Doctoral