List of Chinese Government Scholarship (University Program) Awardees 2015,Zhejiang University
Date:2015-07-23 Visitcount:4847

CSC No. Name Student Category Major
2015GXYF94 AALIM HALAH Docotral Degree Student Food Science
2015GXYI11 ABDYLDAEVA NAZIRA Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF60 ADIL MUHAMMAD FAHEEM Docotral Degree Student Crop Genetics and Breeding
2015GXYF23 AHMAD DIANA Docotral Degree Student Basic Mathematics
2015GXYF85 AHMAD RIAZ Docotral Degree Student Demography
2015GXYF52 AHMADZAI WAZIR WAJID ULLAH Docotral Degree Student Polymer Chemistry and Physics
2015GXYF33 AHMED SARA Docotral Degree Student Structural Engineering
2015GXYF72 AHMED SULAIMAN Docotral Degree Student Crop Genetics and Breeding
2015GXYI10 AJYMAMBETOVA NAZGUL Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF69 AKHTAR YASMEEN Docotral Degree Student Oncology
2015GXYF38 AKHTER DELARA Docotral Degree Student Crop Genetics and Breeding
2015GXYF61 ALI ABID Docotral Degree Student Olericulture
2015GXYF68 ALI MUHAMMAD UMAR Docotral Degree Student Oncology
2015DFH863 ALVAREZ GALVIS, DAVID Docotral Degree Student  Contemporary Chinese Literature
2015GXYF82 AMIN AWAIS Docotral Degree Student Biomedical Engineering
2015GXYI13 AMJAD ALI KHAN AMJAD ALI KHAN Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF91 AMORNCHALANUN SUDA Docotral Degree Student Tourism Management
2015DFH991 ANGHAO WISAN Docotral Degree Student Applied Psychology
2015GXYF09 ANGSUMALEE WARAKORN Docotral Degree Student Linguisitics and Applied Linguistics
2015GXYF29 ASHIMOV KUANYSH Docotral Degree Student Tourism Management
2015GXYF58 ATIQUE LUQMAN Docotral Degree Student Geophysics
2015GXYF42 BAKUR MOHAMMED GAFAAR ABDELMONEIM Docotral Degree Student Food Science
2015GXYF34 BASTANI HAMID Docotral Degree Student Municipal Engineering
2015GXYF84 BATOOL SADIA Docotral Degree Student Control Theory and Engineering
2015DFH865 BERARDI, MARTA JIAMILA Docotral Degree Student Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
2015GXYI06 BUKETOVA AIGUL Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF44 CHAE UNGYONG Docotral Degree Student Agricultural Mechanical Engineering 
2015DFH864 CHAM, SOEUN Docotral Degree Student Social Welfare
2015GXYF79 CHITRALI MAHMOOD UL HAQ Docotral Degree Student Materials Physics and Chemistry
2015GXYF48 DONTHA RAKESH Docotral Degree Student Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2015GXYF50 EHSAN ALI Docotral Degree Student Control Theory and Engineering
2015GXYF46 ELBATRIK MAHMOUD Docotral Degree Student Pharmacology
2015GXYF40 ELMONGY MOHAMED Docotral Degree Student Ornamental Horticulture
2015GXYF32 FAISAL AMANY Docotral Degree Student Land Resource Management
2015GXYF26 FARUQUE-AS-SUNNY  Docotral Degree Student Agricultural Economy and Management
2015GXYF13 GERCEKER FATMA Docotral Degree Student Chinese Philology
2015GXYF51 HASSAN IJAZ TARAR  Docotral Degree Student Electronic Information Engineering
2015GXYF28 HMEIDATT ABDELJELIL Docotral Degree Student Management Science and Engineering
2015GXYF67 HUSSAIN LIAQAT Docotral Degree Student Pharmacology
2015GXYF17 IMANI PARISA Docotral Degree Student Earth Detection and Information 
2015GXYF14 IRAVANI MAHDIEH Docotral Degree Student World History
2015GXYF93 ISHAG JAMAL ADAM Docotral Degree Student Crop Genetics and Breeding
2015GXYF24 ISLAM MD.SODRUL Docotral Degree Student Animal Immunology
2015GXYF89 KALHORO HAMEEDA Docotral Degree Student Animal Nutrition and Feeding Science
2015GXYF22 KANG KYONGZU Docotral Degree Student Thermal-Power Engineering
2015GXYF45 KARIM MD REZAUL Docotral Degree Student Developmental Biology
2015GXYF80 KAUSAR RUBAH Docotral Degree Student Thoery of Physics
2015GXYF31 KHAN A. B. M. MAHBUB MORSHED Docotral Degree Student Plant Nutrition
2015GXYF95 KHAN MD RAKIB HASAN KHAN Docotral Degree Student Tourism Management
2015GXYF73 KHAN MUHAMMAD SAAD SHOAIB Docotral Degree Student Crop Genetics and Breeding
2015GXYF76 KOUSAR REHANA Docotral Degree Student Comparative Education
2015GXYF03 LEE SEONYOUNG Docotral Degree Student Communication
2015GXYF27 MANSARAY BASHIRU Docotral Degree Student Agricultural Economy and Management
2015GXYF75 MANSOOR SHAHID Docotral Degree Student Sports
2015GXYF54 MANZOOR FAIZA Docotral Degree Student Agricultural Economy and Management
2015DFH862 MARDIKIAN, VASKEN Docotral Degree Student Aesthetics
2015GXYF37 MASUM MD MAHIDUL ISLAM Docotral Degree Student Plant Pathology
2015GXYF39 MD. MOSFEQ-UL- HASAN Docotral Degree Student Crop Genetics and Breeding
2015GXYF20 MOFARRAH MASOUMEH Docotral Degree Student Chemical Engineering and Technology
2015GXYF19 MOHAMMAD REZWAN HABIB Docotral Degree Student Polymer Materials and Engineering
2015GXYI08 MOLDALIEVA NARGIZA Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF74 MUMTAZ AYESHA Docotral Degree Student Law
2015GXYF88 NOSHAHI TOSEEF FATIMA Docotral Degree Student Pharmacology
2015GXYF92 OGUNYEMI SOLABOMI OLAITAN Docotral Degree Student Plant Pathology
2015GXYF06 PARIPUNNA MINTRA Docotral Degree Student Curriculum and Teaching Methodology
2015GXYI09 SABIROV ULAN Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF86 SAIFULLAH Docotral Degree Student Administation Management
2015GXYF53 SARDAR MUHAMMAD USMAN Docotral Degree Student Enterprise Management
2015GXYF57 SHABIR GHULAM Docotral Degree Student Chemical Engineering and Technology
2015GXYF59 SHAIKH ABDUL RAHIM Docotral Degree Student Thermal-Power Engineering
2015GXYF66 SIDDIQ FAISAL Docotral Degree Student Electronic Science and Technology
2015GXYF10 TEERAWONGSANAN PANIPORN Docotral Degree Student Linguisitics and Applied Linguistics
2015GXYI07 TOIMBEKOVA DIANA Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF25 TRAN PHAM QUYNH NHU Docotral Degree Student Enterprise Management
2015GXYF11 TRAN THIEU NGA Docotral Degree Student Linguisitics and Applied Linguistics
2015GXYF08 TRETIAKOVA SVITLANA Docotral Degree Student Linguisitics and Applied Linguistics
2015GXYF90 ULLAH RAJA SUMME Docotral Degree Student Chemical Engineering and Technology
2015GXYF64 WAKEEL ABDUL Docotral Degree Student Crop Genetics and Breeding
2015DFH866 WOODLEY JONES, EDWARD Docotral Degree Student Enterprise Management
2015GXYI12 YAPATAKE KOSSELE THALES PACIFIC Docotral Degree Student Non-traditional Security Management
2015GXYF47 YARO PETER Docotral Degree Student Pharmaceutical Analysis
2015GXYF04 YIDANA NUHU Docotral Degree Student Law
2015GXYF77 YOUNIS MUHAMMAD ADNAN Docotral Degree Student Chemical Engineering and Technology
2015GXYF71 YOUSAF-ZAI NEELUM AZIZ Docotral Degree Student Internal Medicine
2015GXYF30 ZHOU BANGHAO Docotral Degree Student Management Science and Engineering
2015GXYF41 ZVOBGO GERALD Docotral Degree Student Crop Science