Notice on Standard Academic Degree Photo Taking for Post-Graduate Students (Enrolled in 2017)
Date:2018-10-30 Visitcount:3587

1. Date:

  From Nov.8th to Dec.7th,2018

2. Venue:

(1) Yangzi Photo Studio, No.30 Zheda Road

  Contact: Wu Jianxian; 0571-87991422

Monday through Sunday from 9:00 to 19:00 

(2) Shuguang Photo Studio, Xixi Campus

  Contact: Cai Hongmei; 0571-88807150

Thursday through Sunday from 9:00 to 19:00 

(3) Zijing Photo Studio, Cuibai No.1 Dorm.,Zijin��gang Campus

  Contact: Lv Chunhong; 0571-88201000

Monday through Sunday  9:00��11:30, 13:00��16:30

  (4) Oean College, Zhoushan Campus

     Further notice will be issued by OeanCollege.

3.  Please dress tidily in white shirts. Wearties. Academic costumes will be provided at the photo-taking venue.

4.  Note:

   (1) Please take the photo according to theschedule in the attachment. (download

 (2) Post-graduatestudents (enrolled in 2017, 2016 and previous years) who have not takenacademic degree photos before can also attend this photo-taking activity accordingto the schedule.

   (3) Please bring ��Sheet in degreeinformation of postgraduates�� (download) with you for ID verification and registration.

(4) After the photo-taking, you will receive yourelectronic photos by email. If not, please contact Ms. Wang (Tel: 88273292) atthe university archives.

(5) Please collect your paper photos 15days after your photo-taking day at the specified photo-taking venue.

(6) Contact: Ms.Wang; 88273292;


                              ZhejiangUniversity Archives
