World, My Stage---Foreign Students attending ZJU 21st International Culture Festival
Date:2011-06-03 Visitcount:2426

The 21st Zhejiang University International Culture Festival was held in the Culture Square, Zi-jin-gang Campus on Dec.3rd, 2010. About one hundred international students from a dozen countries, including South Korea, Malaysia, the USA, Mexico, Thailand and so on took part in the opening ceremony of the festival.
Students from Thailand, Mexico, South Korea, Indonesia, Pakistan, Ukraine and Malaysia set about preparing and decorating their countries�� culture exhibition booths from one o��clock. Once the booths were done, the interaction part commenced at 3 pm. Different folkways, national customs and exotic stuff assembled together, which made the square look like a mini-sized world exposition. 
Prof. ZHENG Qiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University officially declared open the festival at 6 pm. All of a sudden the square became a broad stage of mixed genre of performing arts with programs presented by students from home and abroad.

Performances brought by foreign students were warmly welcome by the audiences, mainly composed of students and faculty. A band of Korean students, as the first group of performers, ignited the passion of the audience. Song and dance, Amazing Thailand whose performers went without saying and dance Jarabe Tapatio by Mexican students introduced the real tastes of their home countries to the audience.
The Korean tea ceremony offered a chance for Chinese to have a close look at something both similar and different.

The closing performance, Bamboo Pole Dance, a dance typically of Chinese ethnic minorities but this time danced by international students was presented with a special flavor. In the end of their performance, the student dancers invited all the students and teachers present to dance with them together, which brought the whole opening ceremony to a successful and joyful end.

Prof. XU Weimin, Vice Dean of the International College attended the opening ceremony. After delivering a speech, he joined the crowd of audience enjoying the whole show.

In recent years, the International College has been making great efforts to enrich the cultural activities in the foreign student community and at the same time to improve international culture atmosphere on Zhejiang University campus.            

                                                                          (written by ZHOU Xiaoling; adapted and translated by XU Xiaohang)