2nd Zhejiang University Night for Korean Alumni Held in Seoul
Date:2014-11-05 Visitcount:2337

The 2nd Zhejiang University Night was jointly held by the International College of Zhejiang University and Zhejiang University ROK Alumni Association inSeoul,RepublicofKoreaon August 23rd 2014. Based on the successful first event, the second one has attracted more attention from the new students and alumni. About 90 new students, their parents, current students and alumni attended the event.

Mr. No Hyun-Goo, chairman of the Alumni Association, first briefed the people the founding and current situation of the alumni association and then introduced the past, the present and the future vision, the academic reputation of Zhejiang University. He also urged all the new and current students to be proud of being a student of ZJU and work hard to be able to play constructive roles for China-Korea relationship in future.

Prof. XU Weimin, Vice Dean of theInternationalCollege, sent a letter of congratulations for the activity. Associate Prof. Si Qi from theSchoolofEducationof ZJU read out the letter for Prof. XU.

In his letter, Prof. XU Weimin delivered congratulations to all the new students who would soon come to ZJU to study and expressed hopes that all the students would apply themselves to their studies with great concentration, deeply learn and understand Chinese culture and become ambassadors for friendship and exchange betweenChinaandKorea.

Mr. No Hyun-Goo also made introductions about campus life inZhejiangUniversityand special explanations about issues that new students may encounter. Afterwards new and current students and alumni made further discussions according to their specialties.

(written & photo by No Hyun-Goo; translated by XU Xiaohang)