2015 Outstanding Students Awarding Ceremony for MBBS Program
Date:2016-01-05 Visitcount:3581

Outstanding Students Awarding Ceremony for MBBS Program was held at the auditorium of Zhejiang University School of Medicine on December 11th, 2015. The scholarship winners and championship team of Sanhao Cup, their friends and relatives who came to congratulate, heads and staff of School of Medicine and International College witnessed the outstanding talents of MBBS students and shared their great joy. The grand ceremony was attended by Shumin Duan, the dean of School of Medicine, Zhi Chen, the executive dean, Xiaoming Li, the associate dean, Xiangming Fang, the associate dean, Guozhong Chen,  the associate dean, as well as Weimin Xu, the associate dean from International College.

The ceremony was hosted bilingually by CHIN WEN JIE (Malaysian) and MASS SH. HMOOD HMOOD (Iraqi). Prof. Shumin Duan gave a speech and encouraged international students to study hard and be dedicated to medicine. Dr. SUA SIN ZANG, Principal of Chung Hua High School Seremban gave a speech to congratulate the scholarship winners from his school and expressed his gratitude to all the staff from Zhejiang University for their devotion. 55 students, who received first, second and third prize, received their certificates and warm congratulations from the dean, executive dean and associate deans from School of Medicine; Weimin Xu, the associate dean from International College, issued certificates to MBBS students who received scholarships from China Scholarship Council and Zhejiang University. Prof. Guozhong Chen awarded medals to the MBBS football team, who have won Sanhao Cup football champion for three consecutive years.

In order to heighten the atmosphere, the awarding and performance were presented alternatively. Specifically, Cynthia sang ��We Are�� and Pam (2014 batch) accompanied her on the piano; Kenneth Tanaka (2014) and Elaine Tan (2013) sang ��Take Me to Your Heart�� and ��Marvin Gaye�� and were accompanied by the guitar. Finally, ��Voice of Zhejiang University��, which was composed, directed and acted by Jasmine, Stella and a group of 2012 batch students ignited the audience��s passion. Afterwards, PNG LIN and ALI HABIB DHAHI ABDULLA AHMED, the CSC scholarship winner and MBBS football team leader, made their award speeches respectively. The two representatives expressed their pride as ZJU students and shared their experiences of becoming outstanding international students.

The ceremony ended up with students taking pictures continually and exchanging best wishes. The sense of happiness and pride has taken root and will sprout.


                                              Author/ Photographer: Zhao Danli