Chinese Ambassador Visits UWACI
Date:2017-09-04 Visitcount:3462

On the afternoon of 24th August 2017, the Chinese Ambassador to Australia, Mr Cheng Jingye, Counsellor Ms Miao Changxia, Chinese Consul General in Perth, Mr Lei Kezhong and their entourage visited the Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia.  They met with Confucius Institute staff, volunteers and students, including the Nobel Laureate Professor Barry Marshall, and graciously had photographs taken with everyone.

On behalf of the Confucius Institute, Associate Director Mr Chu Xianhua, welcomed the ambassador and provided a briefing about CI��s work, including our support to Chinese language teaching in WA, the ��China in Conversation�� lecture series and varied Chinese cultural activities. Ambassador Cheng then made a speech. He first thanked CI staff for their efforts to promote Chinese language and to foster cultural understanding and exchange. He was pleasantly surprised to learn about the scale of CI and its wide range of services. The Ambassador encouraged teachers and volunteers to make persistent efforts to support CI��s mission.  He also encouraged the local students to progress in their Chinese studies. He remarked that the Chinese Embassy and Consulate-General in Australia will continue to support the Confucius Institute in making new contributions to exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia in the fields of education and culture.


Ambassador Cheng made a speech


Ambassador Cheng and Consul General Lei took group photo with CI staff and students