Opening Ceremony for 2018 International Students
Date:2018-09-17 Visitcount:1805

The opening ceremony for2018 international students was held at the Zijingang Theater on the afternoonof September 15. More than 1,400 international students from all over the worldgathered together, starting a new journey in life. School leaders in charge andthe faculty of International College attended the ceremony.

He Lianzhen, Vice Presidentof Zhejiang University, delivered a speech. She expressed a warm welcome tostudents and encouraged them to gain more knowledge, actively participate invarious activities, and strengthen exchanges with Chinese students as well asinternational students from other countries.

Professor Zhao Fengdongfrom School of Medicine and Dr. Wu Jian from International College expressedtheir high expectations of the students based on their own experiences. Anundergraduate representative of the Class of 2017 from Singapore encouragedfreshmen to try new things and cherish the time in Zhejiang University, and agraduate student of the Class of 2018 from Central Africa said in fluentChinese that students should to be responsible for their own learning.

Before the ceremony, theInternational Student Art Troupe, DFM Street Dance Club and 2018 new studentsbrought wonderful singing and dancing and martial arts performances. After theceremony, Vice Dean of the International College gave an orientation speech andan officer of Exit-Entry Administration of Hangzhou Public Security Bureauintroduced applicable regulations to help international students betterintegrate into the new environment.

In recent years, theeducation and cultivation of international students in Zhejiang University havedeveloped rapidly. Zhejiang University will further improve the quality of newinternational students and strengthen their understanding of outstandingChinese culture.

He Lianzhen, Vice Presidentof Zhejiang University, delivering a speech


Professor Zhao Fengdongfrom School of Medicine delivering a speech

Dr. Wu Jian fromInternational College delivering a speech

Zhou Yi��en (Singapore), undergraduaterepresentative of the Class of 2017

HEREN-ISSAKA JOAN (CentralAfrica), graduate student of the Class of 2018


Lu Zhengzhong, Vice Dean ofthe International College, giving an orientation speech

Zhao Kai, officer of Exit-Entry Administration ofHangzhou Public Security Bureau introducing regulations

Dance: Burning up

He Peiling (Malaysia) of InternationalStudent Art Troupe & DFM Street Dance Club

Martial arts performance

MOHAMMAD PARVARESH (Iran) ofInternational Student Art Troupe


Sabrina Stevens (Malaysia)of the Class of 2018

Translator: Xu Mengjiao