Freshmen Majoring in Chinese Language Participates in a Group Counseling Session
Edit:Admin Date:2018-09-20 Visitcount:1480

    Onthe afternoon of September 16, a group counseling session was held in Room 313of Asian Youth Center in Zijingang Campus by Wang Sainan and Shen Dan ofStudent Affairs Office to help freshmen majoring in Chinese language betteradapt to campus life. More than 30 freshmen participated in the activity.

    Thestudents were divided into 5 groups in random. Under the guidance of teachers,each group decided an interesting group name and designed a logo throughdiscussion and invited a group member to give a presentation. Afterwards,students shared with each other about ��falling in love with Hangzhou, campuslife and learning expectation�� during game sessions.

    The groupcounseling session not only helped freshmen had a better understanding of eachother and campus life, but also greatly improved their teamwork skills andcohesion, which set the stage for an intimate and friendly group.

Author:Wang Sainan

Photographer:Shen Dan

Translator:Xu Mengjiao