On October 19 at14:00, the education orientation for 2018 international students of OceanCollege, ZJU was held in classroom 202, the teaching building.
The orientation speciallyinvited Ms. Wei Yan from the Department of Ship and Ocean Engineering to givedetailed explanation on the general situation of Zhejiang University and oceancollege, the study requirements for overseas students, and the assessment andreward system.
��Shipand Ocean Engineering Wei Yan��
Afterwards, the teacherfrom International College shared the matters need attention in the managementof student status and related rules and regulations with the students.
��InternationalCollege Xie Chengcheng��
Ms. Chen Zhangxian of thedormitory management center also explained the dormitory managementregulations.
��DormitoryManagement Center Chen Zhangxian��
In order to integrate thenew students into the campus life as soon as possible, education orientationspecially invited several overseas students and a foreign student of ZhejiangOcean University to introduce the experience of learning, food, accommodation,transportation and other aspects for them, which triggered the warm interactionbetween new and old students and created a harmonious atmosphere.
��2017 International Student SAMUEL UKPONGOKON��
��President of International Student Union AKINRINADE OPEYEMI JOSHUA��
��Memberof International Student Union FRASER MARIA ANNALIZA��
��Zhejiang Ocean University SYED MUDABBAR HUSSAIN SHAH��
��education orientation for2018 international students��
��Photo/By��Xie Chengcheng��