In order to celebrate the 40th anniversaryof China��s reform and opening-up, 2018(autumn) China Higher Education Expo washeld in Chengdu from October 19 to 20.
During the Expo, China Association for InternationalEducation(CAFSA) organized series of ��Study in China�� activities including thefinal of the first national speech contest for International Students on thetheme of ��Study in China��, and the national forum for international doctoralcandidate.Tim (������)��an undergraduate student of ZhejiangUniversity form Australia ,successfully got into the final round of the speechcontest. Jonas(����˹)�� a doctoral student of ZhejiangUniversity from Congo, was invited to participate in the doctoral forum andmade a keynote speech.
There were 15 international students from Tsinghua University, ZhejiangUniversity, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and etc. participating in the finalround of ��Study in China�� national speech contest, and 22 doctoralinternational students participating in the doctoral forum. Their fluentChinese , humorous speech and rich experience has presented a splendid audioand visual feast to the audience.
Translator: Liu Xianglu