In the morning of October 26th, 2018 ZhejiangUniversity��s sport meeting was held in the Big East tracking field, Zijingangcampus. After a brief opening ceremony, accompanied by the sound of drums andcheerful music, the university's teachers and students opened the SunshineLong-distance Run.
International College in The Sunshine Long-distanceRun was presented by a team of 30 international students from 16 countries,including Canada, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Yemen, Vanuatu, Nepal,Mongolia, Cambodia, Somalia, Congo (DRC), and 20 teachers from the college. Wearing red tracksuits as the uniform, allparticipants were in high spirits, and led by flag holder Christian started theSunshine Long-distance Run.
Running across the familiar campus in the early hoursof the morning, breathing fresh air gives unforgettable mental calmness andphysical strength. It took more than half an hour to get from the start pointin the Big East tracking field though the Medical College, Nanometre buildingand library to the end point-Big canteen. All teachers and students had managedto reach the end.
The Sunshine Long-distance Run has demonstrated and enhancedgood relationships between teachers and students in International College. TheSunshine Long-distance Run has inspired teachers and students in the wholecollege to pay more attention to their health, increase the amount of physicalactivities in their ordinary life, strengthen physical fitness and startleading a healthy lifestyle.
Photos and text by Shen Dan
Translation by Bai Xue