The 2018 ceremony ofthe Zhejiang Government West Lake Friendship Award was held inHangzhou on the afternoon of October 30. Fifty foreign experts from 17countries working in Zhejiang province, including a ZJU alumnus Imran HaiderShamsi, received the honorable award. Imran was met by Yuan Jiajun, DeputySecretary of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Governor ofZhejiang Province.
Imran, who is from Pakistan, came to Zhejiang University in 2002 to learn from Prof. Zhang Guoping in the Agricultural College, and worked as a postdoc in the university after receiving his PhD in 2006. He served as a teacher in September of 2012, becoming the first full-time foreign expert of Zhejiang University, and was promoted to associate professor in 2015.
Imran has been alwaysdedicated to the education in Zhejiang University with a grateful heart. Heregards teaching as a vocation and has made unique contribution as a foreignexpert. While undertaking a large number of scientific research tasks, hedevoted himself to research into teaching content and teaching methods,actively interacted with students and was deeply loved by them. He also won thehonorary title of ��Excellent Class Teacher��.
In 2016, Imran won thefirst prize in the engineering group of the Third National Young Teachers��Teaching Competition. When interviewed by the media, he expressed his passionfor Zhejiang University, saying ��I am made in, made by and made for ZhejiangUniversity��.
Congratulations to Imranfor winning the West Lake Friendship Award.
Author:Lu Zhengzhong
Translator: Xu Mengjiao