2018 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program Orientation
Date:2018-11-12 Visitcount:3019

On the morning of November 6, the orientation of the 2018Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) was held at the Asian YouthCenter of Zijingang Campus. Prof. UCHIDA, President of Bai Xian Asia Institute(BXAI), with his delegation of BXAI was invited to the ceremony. It was alsoattended by Prof. Tang Xiaowu, Vice Dean of the International College, DangYing, Deputy Secretary-General of Zhejiang University Education Foundation,Prof. Wang Yizhong of the School of Economics, Associate Professor Gao Xiang ofthe School of Public Affairs, the 2018 cohort, and 6 students of the class of2017.

Prof. Tang Xiaowu warmly welcomed the BXAI delegation,introduced the achievements of ZJU AFLSP Faculty Committee meeting held onOctober 25 and the first ZJU Asian Future Leaders Scholarship ManagementCommittee meeting held on November 2, and also elaborated the 2018-2019 AFLSP cultivation scheme, includingchanges in the organization system and three major tasks (��Bai Xian Lectures��,research projects by a small group of 3-4 AFLSP scholars and field trips).

After that, the representative of 2017 AFLSP scholarsfrom South Korea recalled a previous field trip to Pu��er City in YunnanProvince. She said, ��It was a legendary adventure as we did on our own and saw,heard, tasted, and felt a dimension of China that we would have missed out onhad we not tried it.�� She also mentioned the Bai Xian Summer Program held inBeijing which helped her build friendship with a Taiwanese girl. Therepresentative of 2018 AFLSP scholars from Japan expressed his appreciation tothis program and shared his future plans.

The delegates of BXAI introduced their institute and the AFLSPprogram to the students and showed a video clip of Bai Xian Summer Program held in Beijing last year, which attracted the students alot.

In the end, on behalf of ZJU AFLSP Faculty Committee,Associate Professor Gao Xiang made a closing speech, expressing her gratitudefor the project, her commitment to the project, and her wishes to AFLSPscholars.

After the ceremony, the delegation held a discussion withAFLSP scholars and ZJU AFLSP Faculty Committee respectively to gain an in-depthunderstanding of the AFLSP program at Zhejiang University.

ITO DAIKI, representativeof 2018 AFLSP scholars delivering a speech

Discussion betweenthe BXAI delegation and ZJU AFLSP Faculty Committee