Huawei and Zhejiang University: New employment platform for international students
Date:2019-04-23 Visitcount:2581

    On April 12, three Huaweistaff, Han Hongwei(CHRO), Liu Ye(HRBP for North Eastern Europe) and ZhengSenyan(HRM of Huawei Hangzhou Research Center) visited ZhejiangUniversity. Shen Jie, Dean of International College of ZJU, had a thorough talkwith them on international students' employment. Ye Wen, vice director ofStudent Affairs Office and Shen Dan, International Students��Counselor, attendedthe meeting.

    Han Hongwei started from abrief introduction of the company's development, overseas businesses and thedemand for global talents. He spoke highly of fourinternational students of ZJU admitted last year, praising that they notonly have high quality and professional skills, but also have a betterunderstanding of Chinese culture. They were all quick learners and did a goodjob during internship. This year, Huawei still have many vacancies inmarketing, service sector, R&D, HR, etc., includingthe branch of NorthEastern Europe, Eurasia, North Africa, South Africa, the Middle East andSoutheast Asia.

    Dean Shen said that ZJUattaches great importance to the cultivation and employment of internationalstudents. In recent years, International College has actively stepped upconnections with companies, and built Innovation & EntrepreneurshipPractice Base for International Students. The cultivationgoals of ZJUis very consistent with Huawei's demand for global talents. And international students from more than 150 counties is almostcovering region talents needs of Huawei��s globalization development. Atthe same time, with the Belt and Road Initiative, a stronger industry anduniversity collaboration will facilitate Chinese companies internationaldevelopment. Dean Shen suggested we can explore new cooperation channels toopen up opportunities. In addition to annual campus recruitment, we can developprograms such as localized training of global talents and customized training forcompanies.

    Both sides exchanged anddiscussed employment-related issues including internship and internship visaannotation. They shared the vision on jointly building employment platform forinternational students to cultivate global talentsbetter.