Innovation & Entrepreneurship, A Beginning Towards Wondrous Idea Impacts
Date:2019-04-28 Visitcount:2465

   On April 19, the Orientation for International StudentsInnovation and Entrepreneurship Contest of Zhejiang Province, 2019 was held atAsian Youth Exchange Center, Zijingang Campus. The vice Dean of International CollegeZhengzhong Lu and Ms. XiangPing Xie from Cross-Border Trading Town  were present in the Orientation. A spectacularOrientation about Innovation and Entrepreneurship was presented to the audienceby the Project Managers of Cross-Border Entrepreneurship Park Ms. Hong Zhu, Ms.Tingting Zhu and Ms. Jin Chen, a representative of the Entrepreneurship Parkwho was also a former Graduate from ZJU . The Orientation has attracted over 50students gathering from over 10 countries including China, USA, Australia, Austria,Korea, Japan, Malaysia, India, Cambodia, South Africa, and soon.

   In the first segment, Ms. Zhu gave a brief introduction on theEntrepreneurship Park of Foreign Students. The Park is based on ��The Road andBelt Initiative�� as a starting point, under the cooperation between theuniversities and the town, supported by dimensional platforms like tradingpartner program, global merchandising, etc. Global connection through Internet,culture, talents, industries, etc. As the organizing committee of InternationalStudents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest of Zhejiang Province 2019, wehope that more International students participate eagerly in the contest andwelcome international student to take an in-depth look at the excellentservices.

    Ms Chen, an American 2018 graduate from ZJU whose firm iscurrently stationed at the Entrepreneurship Park returned to share her pleasantexperience and stories with her juniors. She stated that China has a superb entrepreneurshipenvironment, the university as well as the government provides platforms andresources for international students entrepreneurship. She sincerely hopes thateveryone cherishes this opportunity.

    In the final segment, the audiences eagerly raised their concernsregarding various topics including the contest arrangements, the composing of agood business plan, the presenting of contest-purpose Power Point and manymore. Ms. Chu provided an excellent introduction with patience and detailedinformation to the student. It had not only given them a better understandingof the contest as well as have seen a clearer picture of what to expect fromtheir projects.

  This orientation is a goodway to serve international students who focus on innovation and entrepreneurshipin ZJU. It helps them to communicate with others, generate new ideas and make abetter career plan for innovation and entrepreneurship.