There were six teams that competed for thefunday events. Each team was named based on mythical and biological creaturesof the ocean. Hydra (yellow), Orcas (Oranges), Nautilus (Green), Krakens(Red),Sirens (Pink) and Mermans(Blue). Among the teams were both internationalStudents and Chinese Students. The teams were classified based on physicalstrength and weakness that fulfilled the requirement for the games. Each gamestested students ability to co-operate as a team, despite of intense challengesin their daily lives and to work with confidences, persistence and enthusiasm.
The Games were officially initiated by thepresident of the ISU- OCZJU (Robert) as he made the open remarks by wishingevery team an infinite success and enjoyment.
The first game that kicked start the eventwas the AMAZING RACE/SCAVENGER HUNT. The hunt was confided inside the campus at5 locations: Football field, Gymnasium, Dormitory, Library and Canteen. Each teamshad a number of riddles and challenges to complete, before finding thetreasure! (include photos of thechallenge). The first team that found the treasure were Sirens , however duetheir failure to complete a challenge at the library, the treasure was given toteam Orcas whom came in second place.
The next events that followed were the timeand spoon, sack race, 4 legged race, Tug or war, relay race and No facialexpression ( eating sour fruits).
As the day slowly closes in, the judges(Yuvna, Abba and Ky) tallied the score sand announced the teams position. Coming in 6th Position were the Sirens gaining a total of 69 points, followed by Krakens (119points) , Orcas (240 points), Nautilus (317 points), Hydra (330 points) andcoming victorious were Merman achieving 384 points.
The event was concluded by the ISU-OCZJUPresident. The treasure from the scavenger hunt was reveal! This officiallyannounced the endorsed ISU-OCZJU Logo! Robert, acknowledged all the organizers,facilitators and judges of the events (Maria,Elna,Farah,Yuvna, Mehadi, Tajrin,Abba, Ky and Yuvna) and the international student affair personnel. The awardswere presented to the 1st- 3rd positions along with sophisticated souvenirs to all participants.