“Interaction between International Student Association and Student Affair Office”
Date:2019-12-02 Visitcount:3709

        On November 22nd, communication meeting of International Student Association was being carried out at Asian Youth Center of Zijingang Campus. Eleven international student associations and teachers from Student Affair Office, Mr. Ye Wen, Ms. Zhao Danli, Ms. Shen Dan, Mr. Zhu Xuecheng, and Ms. Wang Kexin attendedthe following event.

        Firstly, eleven representatives from International Student Association made brief and vivid introduction about their social activities. President of International Student Union (ISU), Sirisidh Sambo, shared his experiences, talked about the activities and services which was provided by ISU during the school year. These kinds of services were being provided by ISU, in order to assist and support those fellow international students who need help in their school life and academics.   

        President of Cambodian Student Association (CSA), Lim Sei Ha, introduced several activities for students like ��Cambodian Cultural Festival�� and Cambodian Volunteer Activity��. Representatives of Thai Student Association (TSAH) shared their understanding of ��Knowledge of Chinese Law��. In this talk it emphasized the importance for International students to learn and respect about law in China. The Vice President of International Student Art Group (ISAG), Mr. Chan Zhi Yong, introduced briefly about the meaning of ISAG��s logo, and the objective establishment of ISAG which is providing a platform for international students to show and share their talents.

        Secondly, Ms. Shen Dan from Student Affairs Office gave a detailed and vivid introduction about the event known as ��New Year Gala 2020��.Every students and teachers shared their ideas and opinions; everybody communicated and interact with each other actively.

        Lastly, a lecture about ��Article Writing�� and the ��Management of WeChat Official Account�� was given by Mr. Ye Wen, the Vice Director of Student Affairs Office.Mr. Ye emphasized the necessity of standardized and accurate language expressions. He also mentioned the requirements of article writing in three aspects which are ��fact report, literal decoration, and main idea��. Moreover, Mr. Ye highly suggested to the members of publicity department to ��read more, think more, and write more��, in order to enhance their writing skills.

        The communication meeting provided great opportunity for Student Affairs Office and International Student Associations to know more about each other. Everyone hopes that all International Student Association will collaborate more efficiently on the upcoming future to bloom campus life for international students.