Our student representative attended the 1st Forum on International Students from Africa and made a wonderful speech
Date:2021-10-27 Visitcount:2847

On October 17, the 1st Forum on International Studentsfrom Africa was held in Beijing, organized by the China-Africa Institute.International students from 30 African countries, some African Envoys to Chinaand representatives from domestic universities were invited to attend theforum. MOHAMED HAY EBOU, a Mauritanian master student of Chinese InternationalEducation in the College of Media and International Culture from ZhejiangUniversity, attended the forum as a representative of international students.

The theme of this forum was "We, The Inheritors of Africa-ChinaFriendship". The forum consisted of opening ceremony, keynote speeches,group discussion and closing ceremony. In the group discussion, MOHAMED HAYEBOU was the first to speak. He shared his views on how Africans can enhancethe power of social media communication based on his study and internshipexperience at ZJU. He thought that there are currently many negative remarksabout Africa on social media, which lack objectivity. He said Africa shouldlearn from China's good experiences and take the initiative to strengthen itsinternational communication capacity. International students should also takethe initiative to take responsibility and speak out actively to convey a trueimage of Africa to the world. MOHAMED HAY EBOU said he treasured theopportunity to study at ZJU and considered the experience very valuable, hopingto play a positive role in passing on the friendship between China and Africa.

Zhejiang University will, as always, build an exchange platform forChinese and African youth, promote the exchange and cooperation of Chinese andAfrican talents, focus on cultivating more cultural envoys inheritingChina-Africa friendship, and provide talent support for the construction of acommunity with a shared future for China and Africa.

Brief introduction of China-AfricaInstitute:

President Xi announced at the 2018 Beijing summit of the Forum onChina-Africa Cooperation that "China has decided to establish theChina-Africa Institute to deepen mutual learning between civilizations".When the China-Africa Institute was established in 2019, President Xi sent acongratulatory letter, hoping that the China-Africa Institute would enhancemutual understanding and friendship among the Chinese and African people and contributeto the development of China-Africa relations and the building of a communitywith a shared future for humanity. China and Africa are a community of destinyin the same boat. As excellent representatives of African youth, Africanstudents studying in China not only carry Africa's hopes, but also shoulder theimportant mission of China-Africa youth exchanges.

By Yaxin Zhang/Bingyu Xue