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喜报!我校博士生 MUNAZZA IJAZ 获评2024“感知中国”年度人物
2024-12-18 来源:国际教育学院 作者: 访问次数 : 10

12月12日,由国家留学基金管理委员会主办的“大美如歌—2024‘感知中国’年度特别活动”在上海举行。我校巴基斯坦籍博士研究生、国际学生学术俱乐部社团副主席、2023-2024学年优秀国际学生 MUNAZZA IJAZ(伊美娜)荣获2024“感知中国”年度人物—“学术之星”称号。


I am truly honored to receive the Chinese Scholarship Council Academic Star Award. This recognition fills me with gratitude and inspires me to continue striving for excellence. My time at Zhejiang University has been an incredible experience, allowing me to achieve significant academic milestones and build my leadership skills.

I am especially thankful to CSC and Zhejiang University for their support and guidance in my academic progress. Looking ahead, I am eager to make meaningful contributions to my field and continue growing both as a scholar and a leader.


